What Monday means to me...

 We know, we know. Ugh. Yuck. Snooze button. It's Monday: School, work, the grind of the week.But we have the power to change the meaning of Monday.We make Friday our glory day: TGIF! (or TGIT, if you're a Scandal watcher...) Make your big weekend p…


We know, we know. Ugh. Yuck. Snooze button. It's Monday: School, work, the grind of the week.

But we have the power to change the meaning of Monday.

We make Friday our glory day: TGIF! (or TGIT, if you're a Scandal watcher...) Make your big weekend plans! It's the time for fun, friends, dates, and refusing to remove your sweatpants until there is absolutely no choice. 

So if Friday is all about good times and great weekend plans...what's Monday all about?

I've only known about The Monday Life for a few years, but I've always been a Monday-lover. It started with my favorite ballet class being on a Monday all throughout childhood. Then, I got a little older and began falling in love with the clean-slate, carpe-diem feeling that comes along with the M-word. Now, I see Mondays as a way of changing the world.

So I started thinking about how different days mean different things to people. How there are different things we look forward to-not just on Friday, but every day: Pay day. Days off. Holidays that are really special. Days we've planned a trip or something else incredible. Days we get to see people who matter to us.

And that got me thinking about what Monday means. Sure, we all wish we could sleep an hour later or skip that really boring thing we probably have to do today...but we also get this insanely wonderful, spectacularly present opportunity to do something TODAY. To make this day, a Monday, matter. We have the chance to find what inspires us or chase a goal or change someone's life. Yes, you. You can totally change someone's life...not even with just $1 (though we think it'd be pretty cool if you did...) but by just showing up. By being kind. By trying your best. By doing all these beautiful, small, colorful things that wind up coloring in your awesome illustration of a life.

So what does Monday mean to me?

That I can keep going. That it's another day to conquer something that terrifies me (in the good, slightly nauseous, heart-pounding way) or to talk to that person or to learn something new.

This Monday, and every Monday, we get to leave a little piece of ourselves in the week. In the world. Let's make it good.

In case you needed to hear it this Monday: Keep going. You're going to be great. 

(PS: We want to know what Monday means to you. Shoot us an email (rainesford@themondaylife.org) with the meaning behind your Monday, and we'll publish it to our blog.)

Rainesford Alexandra
The Monday Life, Communications